Quilting is a delightful blend of creativity, patience, and faith. Here are some insights about quilting and its connection to spirituality:
- Creation and Reshaping: Quilting involves cutting fabric into pieces and sewing them back together. Similarly, God reshapes creation, adding pieces and filling it with life.
- Balancing Work and Rest: Quilting can be physically demanding, but it also teaches us about balance. Our bodies need rest, nourishment, and movement. When we forget this, quilting can become painful.
- Unseen Creativity: Like the hidden layers in a quilt, creativity operates at levels beyond our conscious awareness.
So, whether you’re piecing together fabric or pondering life’s mysteries, quilting offers a canvas for both creativity and spiritual reflection.
Each year we create quilts that are donated or given to those in need. The group meets every Monday at the church from 7:30 – 11 pm. Email office@evucc.org for more information.