Reaching Out to Share God’s Love
As people of faith, called to share the gospel of Christ’s Extravagant Welcome, we are always seeking to connect with God’s people within and outside the community. There are so many ways to get involved, stay active, challenge your heart & soul, and love your neighbor. Let us know about time, talents and interests, and we can help you find a place to connect. Click Here send an email to our office.
Sunday School teachers and assistants – Teaching Sunday school can be a rewarding experience. Sunday school is not just about imparting knowledge; it’s also about nurturing faith, building character, and creating a positive environment for children and teens to grow spiritually. You can also assist or help with VBS, Kid’s Church or Nook Nanny!
Youth Activities and Confirmation – Events and programs happen throughout the year, giving young people opportunities to earn community service hours and connect with other kids.
Mission – Lead and organize mission trips. They can be near or far, but we need volunteers to help organize mission trips. Mission trips are important to our faith community and can provide an opportunity for participants to grow spiritually and deepen their faith by engaging in service, worship, and prayer within a different context that leads to personal transformation.
Funeral Luncheon Hosts and other special event meal prep. – Many of our faith family host a funeral luncheon for a loved one. This is an intimate event with close friends and family members who gather in the Social Hall after the funeral service. Hosts help to receive food that is brought in by family members, prepare the food and dessert tables and clean up after. The luncheons are typically on a weekday. This is a wonderful ministry to those who are grieving that allows them to share memories and a meal.
Property and Maintenance – Your primary responsibility would be to assist the maintenance staff with maintenance tasks and various projects when needed. Each year we set-up a large lighted Christmas display and it’s crucial to have people who can help secure structures and assist with configurations of the large outdoor display. If you have a talent in carpentry, plumbing or yard work we would love to hear from you.
Special events – Sausage Supper or Auction– These annual fundraising events are a fun way to gather to prepare a delicious sausage meal or invite your friends to find a treasure at the Auction! Many hands are needed to assist with these events and there is a place for you. The funds raised are used to support the needs of the church.
Help for Homebound and Sick – Do you like to cook? If you can prepare a meal and deliver it to a local residence or offer a ride to a local doctor appoint or just spend some time visiting with one of our members who maybe alone this is the ministry for you.